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Energy Committee Minutes 02-02-11

Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad
Margaret Campbell
Martha Broad
Paul Vasington
Stu Malmberg
Ted Kirchner (had to leave early)
Meeting was primarily focused on Stretch Code article going to town meeting:
Immediately need to prepare to go to Planning Bd  on 2/9 to confirm they are willing to cosponsor a hearing re: stretch code and then Selectmen on 2/10 to inform then about the 3/30/11 hearing

  • What is different in Stretch Code from the new building code? Margaret and Stu will get updated materials from Paul
  • Checking in with other Committees
  • Burt: We need to determine whether Advisory make a recommendation
b) our ask of Planning Board is Pls support and speak briefly at town meeting;  we’re asking Planning Bd to vote, speak and sponsor article; jointly sponsor w/Energy Committee? Margaret will check w/Jennifer: did you submit the article?
3.  Outreach tasks
        a) Martha will schedule a venue for the hearing  towards end of March/early April; a Wed,Fri or Monday
b) preparing for meeting w/Selectmen: Give them a handout, ask them to consider the material, if qs, pls bring us back, or come to the meeting; As many of us show up as possible to Selectmen; our handout should include Green Cmties  grant info.  Need to emphasize that there are no guarantee, but gives the oppty. To apply for grants.  Refresh their memory re: we got the School Committee and Selectmen to sign off on application for the  Green Communities consulting services we received.
c) Getting the word out re: Stretch and 3/30/11 hearing: We need to contact Laura Kischitz: Bolton local, Bolton Common, Environmental Club, Joel Lindsay;  at annual Conservation Trust meeting: say a few words?

Action Items:
Margaret and Stu will present to Planning Board
Paul will send Margaret/Stu the Stretch materials for a handout for Planning Bd and we’ll use same handout for Selectmen;
For handout, Martha will create a couple of  slides re: Green Cmties and send to Margaret
Next night the whole committee will attend Selectmen’s meeting .